$> ~/qwertty Focus on Hacking, Pentesting, Malware, CTF and Development.


Hi there, my name is Tom aka qwertty.

I’m a cyber security enthusiast, hacker, husband and father.

I work full time as a Security Consultant for one of the leading IT security consulting companies in Germany. Among my main task is penetration testing.

In my spare time I love to read books which are related to programming and cyber security. Also I love to hacking machines on HackTheBox and writing my own writeups for these. So you can see, I love to learning new things which helps me to develop myself.

What drives me?

This is pretty simple: Curiosity, Interest, and Passion! I got a deep, innate passion that compels me to keep move forward. I can’t stop doing cyber security even if I try it. I am totally in love with it.

In my opinion curiosity and passion is essential to achieve greatness on what you are doing. You should be pushed by passion and nothing else. If that is the case you stick with it. No matter how hard it is, no matter how good it is and no matter how long it will take. You keep moving forward to you’re goal. And if you are there you got instant a new one.

This is the never ending circle of curiosity and passion. I believe in it.

I almost forgot: a well brewed coffee is a poem to me.


If you got some questions or improvements let me know. You can always send me an mail to root[at]qwertty.info, no matter what reason.

I love getting email from you.

Certificates I am holding.

Last but not least, this is my list of cyber security related certifications: